The express shuttle train connects Switzerland and the European Union with China – eastbound as well as westbound. We cover the circa 12,500-kilometer distance in 21 to 24 days usually, including pre-carriage and onforwarding. Thus, we are twice as fast as ocean transport and decidedly cheaper than airfreight.
We transport goods in complete container block trains with several departures per week. Pre-carriage and onforwarding are done by road. We carry:
The goods are loaded into:
Prior to loading, the equipment is checked for possible damages.
Your goods are trans-shipped and checked with the utmost care. Our partners are efficient and ensure smooth operations.
With our regularly status reports, you know at all times where your shipment is. We also inform you of the expected arrival time, which allows you to optimally schedule the delivery of your goods.
We will be happy to arrange for the appropriate customs clearance of your goods and assist you in all issues pertaining to customs.
You have not found your destination? We will certainly go to this place as well.
For a simplified overview, we have refrained from naming all departure and destination points.
You have not found your destination? We will definitely go to this place as well. For a simplified overview, we have refrained from naming all departure and destination points.
Benefit from these services:
We are gladly here for you. Please contact us for further information.
Wir fühlen uns dem Umweltschutz verpflichtet und sind stets bemüht überflüssige Wege zu vermeiden, Verkehrsträger intelligent einzusetzen und so den Energieverbrauch gering zu halten. Ein effizienter und ökonomisch-ökologisch sinnvoller Einsatz von Ressourcen ist für uns als Transportdienstleister eine Selbstverständlichkeit.
Unterschiedliche Kulturen und Mentalitäten werden verstanden und respektiert und die Mitarbeiter verständigen sich auf Austausch statt auf Dominanz. Unser unternehmerisches Handeln ist dabei von Fairness, Offenheit und Respekt geprägt. Wir übernehmen Verantwortung für unsere Mitarbeiter und setzen uns für ihre Sicherheit, Gesundheit und Gleichheit ein.